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Would you like to use our services?

Get in touch

with us!

068 302 49 90

Name:   Gregor Transport

KvK:        82157391

Contact information

Information about our company


Relocating an office, shop, warehouse or another workshop can be simple and fun


We try not to influence the working day at the company. This ensures an efficient relocation and the employees of the company can continue to perform their tasks undisturbed

We offer relocations of offices and companies throughout the Netherlands, but also in other countries of the European Union

Based on consultation with a representative of the company that is moving, we make the most suitable logistics plan for our customer.
We offer flexible working hours, including service outside office hours, on weekends and at night


We realize relocations of both small offices with a few workplaces and large companies.


We always listen to our customers' needs and provide personalized solutions.

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068 302 49 90