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068 302 49 90

Name:   Gregor Transport

KvK:        82157391

Contact information

Information about our company


The carrier is obliged to take out special liability insurance for transport. The protection usually includes liability for loss or damage to the entrusted goods caused by the carrier


If you are looking for a company to arrange your relocation internationally, it must also have additional liability insurance for carriers in international traffic


Goods transported with Gregor Transport are insured up to an amount of EUR 50,000 per event, with any damage fully covered.


Do you immediately think of stress, fatigue and clutter when relocating or transporting goods?

This is not necessary at all.


A relocation or transport does not have to be stressful at all if you do this in a correct and smart way.




Below you will find some tips on how to organize your relocation as stress-free as possible.

We take care for our clients and this is why we give the following tips.
You can arrange the relocation yourself or with the help of a moving company.


When arranging the relocation, it must be clearly stated whether it only concerns the transport of goods (a car with driver) or also assistance with loading and unloading.

The most important thing is efficient communication. The following is expected from the customer: an accurate list with a description of the objects to be transported and the expectations towards the relocation company, e.g. packing things, taking them with you, etc.


The addresses and date of loading and unloading, how many people are needed, etc. are also important for calculating the costs of the relocation. It is very important to know if there is a lift in the building.


It is also worth reading the information under QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS.


Estimate how many things you want to take with you.


How many and which pieces of furniture, how many CDs or books (how many cardboard boxes would you need).


On average, you can assume that you need about 20 cardboard boxes measuring 55cm x 35cm x 35cm for a two-room flat.


This information is not only important for packing (the number of boxes required), but also for calculating the relocation costs. By the way, it's a good idea to put your things away and decide which items to throw away and which ones to take with you. If you are using a moving company, such as Greg Transport, then all this information is important to be able to choose the right moving van and the number of people needed to assist with the relocation.


An inaccurate or last minute changed list of moving items can cause annoyance, extra costs and, above all, unnecessary stress because, for example, the moving car turns out to be too small or because too few people come to help lift heavy furniture.


 It's worth packing everything in cardboard boxes, as it not only makes organizing and stacking things much easier, but it also makes transportation easier


 Books and CDs should be packaged in moderation. Boxes that are too heavy can tear


 Electronic equipment and fragile objects such as glasses and utensils must be additionally protected by bubble wrap. Boxes containing such items should also be marked with the text "breakable/fragile".


 Pack the glass, porcelain, etc. separately and best wrap these items in bubble wrap or wrapping paper/newspapers

 Household appliances such as a refrigerator or freezer must be defrosted beforehand. From all devices of this type it is necessary to remove the movable elements for the move: shelves, grids, drawers. The equipment can be additionally protected with foil

 Plants are best transported in specially marked cardboard boxes with holes for the plants to breathe

 Large furniture must also be carefully prepared for the move. Close all drawers (and tape them if they cannot be locked), stick the keys to the correct piece of furniture and remove all movable elements, e.g. glass shelves, from the sideboard



If you plan to transport antiques, it is best to choose a company that has experience with this. Thanks to years of experience, Gregor Transport fully meets the quality requirements and customer expectations.


Our specialists in this field will identify valuable items and are responsible for their safety. If you have non-standard furniture such as a full-length mirror or a piano, notify about this fact the removal company! You can cover the mirror with a tape shaped like the letter "X".


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